I attempted to put as much information as I could, since I do not read Latin, but I will attempt to furnish as much information as possible. The Graduate appears to be "Johannes Banne" graduated 1868. There appears to be 10 signatures by noted professors/doctors.The best I could do is as follows: N.R. Smith (noted Doctor), Georgius W. Millenberger, Richard M Sherry, Christopher M. ??? Samuel c. shaw, F. Donaldson, Gilieines T. Horvani, N.R. Smith (repeat, J.P. Firm Provost. The diploma is on hard board and measures 22-1/2 " x 26-1/4". With the original frame it measures, 24" x 28". I will convey the winning bidder the frame and the diploma, NOT THE GLASS. I know there are quite a few unknowns feel free to contact me with comments and questions.