Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Choosing the right university

Choosing the right university is more than just a decision about where to study — if you do it right, you can find a community where the whole world opens up in front of you.
As the world’s largest bilingual university, openness to different ways of being and expressing oneself is part of uOttawa’s DNA, and each year its vibrant and lively campus of approximately 48,000 students is enriched by classmates from 150+ different countries. All within a peaceful capital city that is bursting with culture in surprising places, while being embraced by nature on all sides.
Located in the heart of the entertainment and nightlife district, the uOttawa campus is lively and brimming with activity. With over 350 student clubs to choose from, there is no need for students to leave their passion at home. For those eager to explore culture, the National Arts Centre, the National Art Gallery, the Ottawa Art Gallery, and several smaller arts and music venues in the Byward market are all within walking distance.
Ottawa is also home to over 50 annual music, theatre, film, food, and pop culture festivals, which means there is never a weekend without something to do.
The university itself stands out for the quality, variety and flexibility of its programs offering. With over 350 programs, many of which are ranked among the top ten in their fields nationwide, uOttawa also holds a place in the top ten overall in Canada (source: Times Higher Education). And with Honours, Major, Minor and Microprogram options, students are empowered to build their own degrees, whether specializing in one or two subjects or taking a more multidisciplinary approach. For those looking to improve their bilingualism, over 80 programs are available in the French Immersion stream.
Studying in a language other than one’s mother tongue requires courage, but the university’s support systems ensure that French Immersion students never face this challenge alone. With resources like a specialized French Immersion mentoring center, small group courses where close-knit cohorts are formed, and safe spaces for conversational practice, the program is committed to both producing bilingual graduates and supporting students throughout their journey.
In the end, the vulnerability of working in a new language is transformed into a strength through friendship and community, and from there the sky’s the limit. Next step: a semester on exchange in Paris? Pourquoi pas!?
On the flip side, those who choose a unilingual stream and want to build an impressive CV as they study won’t have to look far either. The co-op program, which is available in many four-year undergraduate degrees, is among the best in Canada.
Alternating between semesters spent studying and those spent working, students in co-op placements finish their degrees with 16 months of full-time paid work experience. Many secure full-time positions before even walking across the stage at graduation.
uOttawa’s Kanata North Campus, which opened just three years ago, provides students with access to the 540 companies that operate daily in the Kanata North Tech Park, one of the biggest such hubs in Canada. Students benefit from co-op placements, events, and collaborative research opportunities with local entrepreneurs and tech firms. Many students also choose to do co-op placements in the federal government or one of the numerous non-profit organizations with headquarters in the nation’s capital.
Open minds are the key to generating rich, lasting, transformative discoveries. While not every undergraduate student wants to continue their studies with a research career, attending a top research school like uOttawa still offers the benefit of studying under professors who are at the top of their fields.
The university is known for its commitment to advancing research and innovation across a broad range of disciplines and is currently home to 94 Canada Research Chairs in fields as diverse as Cancer Prevention, the Ethical Engineering of Robots, the Human and Policy Dimensions of Climate Change, and many more.
Beyond its commitment to education, uOttawa offers a wealth of extracurricular opportunities that complement the academic experience. From exploring the natural beauty of Gatineau Park to engaging in dynamic student clubs and activities, students have endless ways to enrich their university life.
With 361 square kilometers of greenspace, the Gatineau Park provides ample opportunities to connect with nature — even on a school night. It boasts one of North America’s largest cross-country ski networks, 183 kilometers of summer hiking trails, public beaches, campgrounds, and cycling trails all within a half-hour drive, uOttawa’s campus is perfectly located to give students the benefits of city living along with the ability to escape into nature whenever the mood strikes.
And there you have it. Whether allowing students to pursue a bilingual education or complete a top-tier, customized degree aligned with their passions, whether offering opportunities to get a foot in the door with top employers or witness cutting-edge research, or go on real-life or virtual adventures, uOttawa is big enough to be open to all the opportunities an undergraduate experience should offer.
But with its support and endless opportunities to get involved, students can find a close-knit community that will make them feel at home. Discover the difference that openness makes at uOttawa, where open minds lead to brighter futures.
